Friday, May 3, 2013

Unexpected outcomes...

In art there is no failure. Only unexpected outcome.  
From my Grandson, Andrew...from his teacher
Actual author unknown.

I love this.  That it came to me from one of my 9 year old grandsons  makes it even better. And so true. Everyone sees things differently. Art. Life.  Relationships. It's how we perceive something that makes the difference. As for life, it all comes out as God has it planned for us.  But we sometimes think "what the heck was that?"  God says ,"hold on, you'll see..."  Seriously, He says that a lot to me. I have learned to let go and let God, but it was a very long process.  And what we thought was going to be a total failure might just turn around to be the best thing ever happened to us...IF we let it.  It's the old " cup half full" thing. Uh oh...there it is again...we have to DO something.  Yup.  Life is all about participation. You have choices to make.  Let your life be good.  Let God take charge.  Revel in the  "unexpected outcomes"!  And be aware of your blessings...which are legion!!!  Amen and Amen!!!  That is all...over and out!  >^.^<

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