Thursday, May 30, 2013

Give it up!

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

I have read that verse all my life. It means far more than just physically burdened.  It includes emotionally and spiritually as well.  And at this stage of my life I have learned to put my trust and faith and  whatever else I have in the One who is ALWAYS there.  The One who never let's me down. All I have to do is admit I need help. Earlier in my life I thought I could do it all myself. I thought I was putting it in his hands but my awesome Bible Study group years ago pointed out that I continued to hold on to a piece of whatever the problem was.  Thinking, I supposed, that if God didn't do it to my liking I would take over.  HAH!!! I won't say I learned the hard way, but it took me long enough to Let Go and Let God. But that is my manta these days.  Wow!  What took me so long?  Didn't He tell me over and over that He knew best for me?  That he had all the facts and I was fooling myself?  Well, I know it now and life, although still  has its moments of course, is in His hands!  WHEW!  How peaceful, how joyful, how wonderful!  I can do all all things BECAUSE He is with me...always! Every second! Rejoicing with me in the absolute wonder of life and His blessings...which are way too many to count!  AMEN!!!  >^.^< 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Live your life!

"The purpose of life is to live it, 
to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly 

and without fear for newer and richer experience."

—Eleanor Roosevelt: Former First Lady of the United States

Amen to that Sister Roosevelt!  Heaven knows we can all find a "poor me" excuse to sit and waste the day on a pity party. All that gets us is a lost day. We can't get it back. YIKES! 😱 what did we miss that day???  I'm a glass half full kind of person and my life is wonderfully blessed. That doesn't mean its all peaches and cream. In the last year I have had many health issues that have really changed my life and what I can and can't do. But I prefer to ignore what I can no longer do...after all I can NO LONGER DO IT!  And find new things I CAN do. That's the adventure of life!  And I am ready for the safari with God as my guide!  Are you with me? Lets go guys!   Have a blessed and wonder-filled day!!!  T*A*I*S!  >^.^< 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Purrrr-fect comfort!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.  
2 Corinthians 1:3-5

 One of our old cats years ago was always purring. I asked the Vet about it and she said that was the cat's way of comforting itself. Interesting I thought. Recently I found something out about me...imagine that...  I hum when I am hurting. Strange no?  And I was doing it without even realizing it.  I have always been a hummer.  Ask Chris Crumpler. When he was a kid he was always teasing me about humming in church. (That was just to save the congregation from my awful singing.) But now I realize when I do it it's for comfort.  Gets my mind off the pain. But Prayer is my real comfort. It's like putting on a nice warm blanket and just letting all the stress, etc, drain out. And it's a constant thing. A running dialogue with the One that never gets tired of listening, always there ready to listen. My friend Jim Tillson told me one time prayer is like being on the back porch with God. And you know how much I love  the back porch. Comfort. We all need it from time to time. Purring, prayer,'s all the same.  And the comfort all comes from the Great Comforter.  HE never gets it wrong...WOW!  Blessings blessings blessings my friends!!!  >^.^<

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The gift is there...

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.   Hebrews 4:16. NIV

I love the comfort of that scripture.  But you do have to approach the throne. You do have to accept the gift of comfort.  Think I'll  just leave it at that today and let you use it in your life today as you need it.

Blessings my friends!  >^.^< 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


AWARE...Always Watching And Ready to Encourage   ~Nana Jean~

My granddaughter was driving and we were leaving the school parking lot.  Out of nowhere a car full of girls pulled out, not looking and came within an inch...seriously...of hitting the SUV in front of us. There was no time to react if you were not aware of what was going on. And the car full of girls was laughing hysterically. . My granddaughter said," Wow!  She is crazy!  I better watch her!"  For a new driver to be that aware and understand the situation is so wonderful.  We have to be aware of what is going on around us to avoid problems, but also to lend help and assistance.  You can't help someone if you are wrapped up in your space only. It can be a me-me-me world and we have to break that cycle as much as we can. Think about your friends and family. There are a few people you can count on to drop everything,  and I mean everything, to come to your aid...mentally and physically and spiritually. You call, need help and they say "I'm there"....  Not "oh gosh let me move some stuff around and I'll call you back."  The list is short I can tell you. And the other side of this is how good are you as a friend?  My husband and my sister and one other friend can tell when I say hello on the phone how I am.  Even if I am trying to be happy-happy-happy!  That's how aware they are of me and my feelings. They are always watching and ready to encourage me!  Take stock of how aware you  are of people and situations around you. This includes strangers. So many times we just need to give a smile, a pat on the back or a quiet hug. Amazing what that will do for someone's day. You may never know how that person was affected, but you are sharing the love and joy and grace of God!  What an Awesome gift to give!  Be Always Watching And Ready to Encourage!   AMEN! Have a really blessed day my friends!!!  >^.^<

Friday, May 3, 2013

Unexpected outcomes...

In art there is no failure. Only unexpected outcome.  
From my Grandson, Andrew...from his teacher
Actual author unknown.

I love this.  That it came to me from one of my 9 year old grandsons  makes it even better. And so true. Everyone sees things differently. Art. Life.  Relationships. It's how we perceive something that makes the difference. As for life, it all comes out as God has it planned for us.  But we sometimes think "what the heck was that?"  God says ,"hold on, you'll see..."  Seriously, He says that a lot to me. I have learned to let go and let God, but it was a very long process.  And what we thought was going to be a total failure might just turn around to be the best thing ever happened to us...IF we let it.  It's the old " cup half full" thing. Uh oh...there it is again...we have to DO something.  Yup.  Life is all about participation. You have choices to make.  Let your life be good.  Let God take charge.  Revel in the  "unexpected outcomes"!  And be aware of your blessings...which are legion!!!  Amen and Amen!!!  That is all...over and out!  >^.^<

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Follow, follow...

Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.
Lyrics: Ernest W. Blandy
Music: John Samuel Norris

I love this hymn. It is a bit repetitive...sort of  like yoga for the brain. Following HIM is essential and no holding back. HE doesn't hold back from us!  One of our Schnauzers, Willie, was diabetic and we had to check his urine daily (now there's a picture for you!) so we knew how much insulin to give him. Eventually he went totally blind. He learned to adjust to it.  He was amazing.  I would clap my hands and call his name and he would immediately come toward the sound. Never hesitating. Trusting completely in me and my love for him. That's the instant reaction we should have with God. Who can you trust more with your life?  Who is ALWAYS there no matter the time or situation?  You are his main concern always...don't forget that! Have some Willie Trust!  That is all...over and out!  Have a blessed day!!! 🙏