Monday, June 30, 2008

Hi Guys!

I have moved my Nana's BeeLine and Weight Watchers stuff to my new blog...Nana's BeeLine
Check it out and see what you think. I am trying to get my newsletter out as easily and conveniently as possible for you.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

2 Blessed 2 Bee Stressed!

We are going to my husband's High School reunion this week. The older I get the more I enjoy these things. Probably because I'm still here to go to it! I have had one really near death experience and it was enough to make me greatful for everyday. I love to say "I have good days and I have bad days. But praise God I still have days!!!" Too many of our friends don't...I know I am blessed!

Sometimes I actually forget how old I am. My 4 year old grandson asked me how old I am. I said "63" He thought a minute and said, "I don't think I can count that high." I don't. It's just a number...a high one I admit, but a number just the same. And, as I am quick to tell people, this is not a dress rehersal for the real life...this is it! And I have fun. I think we were created for fun and all the joys life can bring us. If you are not happy chances are it's your own fault. I follow a young lady on Caring Bridge that has sooooo many medical issues and doesn't feel good most of the time...constantly in and out of the hospital. But she never loses her sense of humor or faith or optimism. she finds joy where she can. It's awesome to witness. I look at my life and say, "HEY! I have NO problems!"

Beside my wonderful, caring and supportive husband and my family, doing something I like is a big part of what makes my life happy and relieves much of the stress. We sold our family business of 40 years 2 years ago and retired...HA! I am busier than ever and love it. And my husband feels the same. He is teaching. At the ripe old age of 66 he started on a career that he didn't even know he wanted until he was 60! He went back to school and finished his BA, got his MA and will start on his PhD this Fall at almost 68 years of age! So you see? It's never too late to do something you WANT to do. It's all in your attitude. (I have Cat-itude...ever see a cat that didn't get what it wanted???) I'm not going to school...once was enough for me! But my job is awesome and keeps me busy and seeing so many different people ever week. I am a Weight Watchers Leader and do 12-15 meetings a week. It's a ball! I work with great teams and we help people turn their lives around, get healthier and feel better about themselves. What more can you ask from a job?? It's like a ministry for me. Weight Watchers saved my life and I am really passionate about it and want to share it with any and every one!!! Do you have something you feel that way about? Then you know what I mean.

As I said in the beginning I know I am blessed and I Praise God everyday. I only hope I am using the gifts He gave me as He intended. In the meantimeI remain:

2 Blessed 2 Bee Stressed!

Monday, June 2, 2008


I have had this space for over a year and have not posted one time...hmmm...It's not that I have nothing to say...Gads! Ask my family about that...I ALWAYS have something to say. I think the problem lies in WHAT to say out of the myriad of things I have floating about. I am many things. Christian,Wife, Mother, Nana, Friend, Weight Watcher Leader, and a person who suffers from Addisons Disease. All these things together make up who I am. Sometimes good, sometimes not so, but ME none the less. So, here I am with my first post. Feels good. Now I'll get lost in thinking about post #2...stay tuned...

2 Blessed 2 Bee Stressed!