AWARE...Always Watching And Ready to Encourage ~Nana Jean~
My granddaughter was driving and we were leaving the school parking lot. Out of nowhere a car full of girls pulled out, not looking and came within an inch...seriously...of hitting the SUV in front of us. There was no time to react if you were not aware of what was going on. And the car full of girls was laughing hysterically. . My granddaughter said," Wow! She is crazy! I better watch her!" For a new driver to be that aware and understand the situation is so wonderful. We have to be aware of what is going on around us to avoid problems, but also to lend help and assistance. You can't help someone if you are wrapped up in your space only. It can be a me-me-me world and we have to break that cycle as much as we can. Think about your friends and family. There are a few people you can count on to drop everything, and I mean everything, to come to your aid...mentally and physically and spiritually. You call, need help and they say "I'm there".... Not "oh gosh let me move some stuff around and I'll call you back." The list is short I can tell you. And the other side of this is how good are you as a friend? My husband and my sister and one other friend can tell when I say hello on the phone how I am. Even if I am trying to be happy-happy-happy! That's how aware they are of me and my feelings. They are always watching and ready to encourage me! Take stock of how aware you are of people and situations around you. This includes strangers. So many times we just need to give a smile, a pat on the back or a quiet hug. Amazing what that will do for someone's day. You may never know how that person was affected, but you are sharing the love and joy and grace of God! What an Awesome gift to give! Be Always Watching And Ready to Encourage! AMEN! Have a really blessed day my friends!!! >^.^<
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