Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

OK.  I am posting this for myself. I freely admit it.  Not proudly, mind you...  Words that come out of our mouths are gone from us, but they hit someone else and we never know until its too late how it affected them.  And it is forever THERE.  Man, that's tough. On the other hand you also never know when a kind word will completely change some ones day or even life.  Think about something some one said to you in the past in comfort, praise or just encouragement.  Maybe just a smile when you needed it.  That person probably doesn't remember it but. YOU DO!  That's what's important.  If we can remember that BEFORE we speak...ah, that's the trick.  I continue to work at it.   Words should be like gifts wrapped in big silver bows.  And I love and receiving.    >^.^< 

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