Tuesday, April 23, 2013

No worries!

21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
    but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
Proverbs 19:21

I have a decision looming in my near future. I can worry  about it or I can think about it.  There is a difference. Worrying says I don't trust God.  Thinking says I do. I learned long ago that worrying is a waste of time.  Read the verse above.  Nuff said. Worry all you want. Because to worry is a concious decision you make. Your decide to worry.  Well how about deciding to trust God?  The thing about God's decision is that is is always the right one for you. Plain and simple.  Our decision on the other hand comes with toooooo much baggage and we often make them based on faulty intel.  Oh gosh...trusting God is such a no-brainer. Seriously!  But that doesn't mean you don't have to do your part.  Make good decisions every day and live your life with the joy and confidence and peace of mind that comes with knowing we are the children of God and abide in His love and care every minute of every day.  To quote the Aussies...No worries!  AMEN and AMEN!  T*A*I*S! 

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