A voice came from heaven, saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
- Matthew 3:17 (KJV)
Last week I texted my sister that I knew Mother and Daddy were always proud of us. I know that is a strange thing at my age and given they have been gone for a long time. But that's just how my brain works. Mother and Daddy never failed to tell us. When we were young and when we were grown and had a family of our own. They were always our biggest fans. According to them there was nothing we couldn't do if we wanted it bad enough. Granted, Nancy and I were pretty good kids, but I had friends that were good kids and the only encouragement they got was from MY parents!!! We have a never failing fan in our Heavenly Father. It matters not of we get it perfect, He is there to let us know we are His children in whom He is well pleased. But there again you have to LET Him in your life to tell you that. AMEN! My point here is that we all need to be told "well done". Occasionally. From a boss, a friend, a parent, a spouse...(Even from a grandchild! And that one is like gold! When I am struggling to walk and don't fall they are quick to praise me with a see Nana? I knew you could do it! Oh my! such joy in my heart!) By the same token we have to say it too. Berating people can get to be a habit. But so can praising people. Which would you rather be known for? Kids and grand kids don't always get "it" right but if you are there to praise for what they did get right chances are much better they will try again and get closer. The well placed "well done. I'm proud of you" is worth a zillion dollars...maybe more. Just in case I haven't said it lately to my sons, daughters-in-law and grandkids- WELL DONE! I am so proud of all of all you. I continue to be blessed alllllll over!!!! And my husband of 46 years ... he knows how proud I am of him on all levels! Start spreading the word! It costs nothing and will have as much of an impact on you as them! You are all my family in whom I am sooooo well pleased. Praise God!!!!! Have a blessed week! >^.^<
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